2020-04-02 Call 11 Working Group

2020-04-02 Call 11 Working Group


Apr 2, 2020


  • @Alessandro Domanico

  • @Alessandro Falezza

  • @Alessandro Fanna

  • @Claudio Rosazza

  • @Emerson Castaneda

  • @Henrique de Almeida

  • @Niccolò Pasquetto

  • @Paurav Munshi

  • @Paolo Viotti

  • @Riccardo Costa

  • @Riccardo Canta


The meeting was called for the following topics

  • last release (1.9.1): what has been included

  • next release (1.10): what to include

  • next Sprint 4: OP-6 con i rimanenti sub-tasks + Fix Version 1.10

  • last Sprint 3: retrospective and what we learnt

More topics discussed:

  • UI Design: in the short period we will focus only on the Login and Search/New Patient page and we remove/comment out everything is out of this scope?

  • UI Design: guidelines for the components use

  • UI → API: what pattern for the HTTP requests?

  • New OH-core v1.10 artifact (shall we link to the release version?)

  • Standard maven layout starting from release 1.10: how we coordinates ongoing developments?

  • API development: half way to go (OP-6 and its subtasks)

  • Fingerprint solutions research (Riccardo Canta)

  • New users permission schema (Paurav Munshi)

Discussion topics










Progresses recap - ui

@Alessandro Falezza @Henrique de Almeida

@Alessandro Falezza says that the overall “ui” can be re-designed and can be simplified, the idea is to propose a patient-centric design where the patient is searched once and then all the functions called on him/her. Also layout and palette can be improved.

@Henrique de Almeida is working on the general layout, redefining containers and compontes because the API layer is not yet ready.

The invite to whom interested is to take part to the following call and discussion will be held on the topic.



Progresses recap - api

@Riccardo Costa @Niccolò Pasquetto @Emerson Castaneda

@Riccardo Costa and @Niccolò Pasquetto worked on the “api” and they will propose a pattern similar to the one proposed at the beginning in the related page and will be discussed further. Small change is that the Swagger framework can map correctly the returned DTO model.

@Emerson Castaneda pointed that at first sight it was a bit hard to get involved into the project but he got chance to propose a Test Suite for some API modules (merge), that is so waiting to be extended to other modules and he suggests a TDD approach to the project.

The invite to whom interested is to take part to the discussion that will follow after the completing of the whole OP-6. The task OP-121 will be probably renamed in “Propose Test Suite” and a new OP will be probably opened in order to divide the workload within different modules as done for other tasks impacting the whole project.


Progresses recap - fingerprint

@Riccardo Canta

@Riccardo Canta talked about a market reasearch he performed about fingerprint solutions, and that it is possible to see here. First outcome seems confirming the DigitalPersona SDK as a solution, that has already been used in the past for the project.

the invite to the whom interested is to take part to the discussion in order to confirm (or not) then outcome.

Progresses recap

@Paolo Viotti suggests to include all devs in the GitHub OpenHospital Team in order to be all available for reviews


Progresses recap

@Alessandro Domanico

@Alessandro Domanico showed the overall project’s roadmap that can be found here (April 2020) and the different instruments we have in the OpenHospital Commitee space, that are:

As mentioned in the previous call and sprints, only by well-documenting the project and the decisions taken (even if in a concise way) can help the community to join the project and reach the best results.


General discussions


We talked about all points in the “Meeting Goals”, stating that for the near coming future the “api” and “ui” should communicate and be packaged in the release at least for the basic functions of Login/Search/New Patient. To do that we need to approve:

  • a pattern for HTTP requests from the “ui” → “api”: new Decision Page will be opened

  • a guidelines in the use of the “ui” components

  • a development environment (online server exposing the latest APIs) for “ui” contributors

We need to close the OP-6 in the next Sprint (#4) that will also include some tasks in the Next Version filter. About OP-6, we talked about convetions in mapping naming, and @Niccolò Pasquetto shared an interesting discussion about that.

We agreed that the artifact versioning is not an “easy topic” but for the moment we can just have the rule that the “core” artifact’s versions goes along with the release one. @Paolo Viotti suggested the use of the Semantic Versioning, explained here. In addition, we could adopt a repository manager (e.g. Nexus).

We will adopt Standard Maven layout for “core” and “gui” (“api” already adopted) starting by release 1.10, so all the pending developments should be “rebased” into the new folder structure after that.

There is an interesting discussion about User's permission schema started by @Paurav Munshi that should be taken into consideration soon.



@Alessandro Domanico @Niccolò Pasquetto @Henrique de Almeida

Finally, a brieft retrospective about the last Sprint showed that we can plan a new Sprint of 3weeks for the same amount of work (3d 4h) inlcuding OP-6 and some other tasks. The goal is “Release 1.10 + API-beta”

@Henrique de Almeida pointed that it would be advisable to have a separated Kanban board for the “ui” issues only.

The overall work of the contributors is good and it is in plan to organise more UI-exclusive meeting and future meetings in English language.

Action items

@Niccolò Pasquetto@Alessandro Fanna To build up an IDE (public server) for “ui” developments
To close Sprint #3 and open new Sprint #4 @Alessandro Domanico


HTTP request library for the “ui” @Alessandro Falezza

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