2020-03-02 Call 10 Working Group

2020-03-02 Call 10 Working Group


Mar 2, 2020


  • @Alessandro Domanico

  • @Alessandro Falezza

  • @Antonio Verni

  • @Henrique de Almeida

  • @Ilario Gavioli

  • @Niccolò Pasquetto

  • @Riccardo Costa

  • @Riccardo Canta

  • @Roberto C

  • @Uni2grow Cameroun

  • @Vito Romano


Goals of the meeting were:

  • last Sprint: retrospective and what's next

  • "oh-ui" (React) -> "oh-api" -> "oh-core"

  • 'develop' vs 'master', versions increments and releases process

  • next Sprint

Discussion topics










Last Sprint: Retrospective

Full report here:
2020-03-02 Sprint 2 Retrospective

@Alessandro Domanico

We had a brief presentation of the last Sprint just closed in the same date, pointing that we had a focus factor of zero (based on closed isses) because of some problems we had during the Sprint itself:

  1. Bugs on the 1.9.1-pre release that needed to be addressed (and still are going)

  2. A new problem (OP-178 added to the Sprint itself) about Spring versions between “core” and “api” that was actually blocking the biggest tsask in the Sprint: https://openhospital.atlassian.net/browse/OP-6

All the participants agreed that we are eager to finalize the following issues:

And to proceed with a new Sprint definition that cannot require more than 1d 6h effort (according with the last sprint average velocity).


the approvedhttps://openhospital.atlassian.net/browse/OP-4pattern

@Niccolò Pasquetto @Vito Romano @Roberto C @Antonio Verni

A long discussion about the pattern to be used in developing the new REST API component (openhospital-api), conflicting points:

  • Automatic Mapper vs Esplicit Mapper

  • Non-Thread safe Mapper

  • Response contract between “api” and “ui” components

The discussion ended-up without a common decision, so the way forward is to continue the OP-6 everybody with a full implementation of his own pattern and we’ll decide together which one is better on a more effective evidences.



@Alessandro Domanico @Niccolò Pasquetto

In the remaining time we talked about the “ui” state of the art. In particular we summarized the activities held during the Torino Hacknight (mostly focused on the “ui”) and the way forward.

We took chance also to think about the structure of the code, since we faced a cross-component version problem, so @Roberto C proposed the use of Maven modules, but there are also other suggestion coming from the community (git subtree)

We explained how to keep communication active by commenting the issues themselves and by using (if preferred) the Slack channel opened for the front-end developers, but that can be easily used for any other aspect of the project:
(Invitation Link: https://join.slack.com/t/openhospitalworkspace/shared_invite/enQtOTc1Nzc0MzE2NjQ0LWIyMzRlZTU5NmNlMjE2MDcwM2FhMjRkNmM4YzI0MTAzYTA0YTI3NjZiOTVhMDZlNWUwNWEzMjE5ZDgzNWQ1YzE)

Action items

These are the actions

@Alessandro Domanico to define and start a new Sprint of 3 weeks


These are the possible decisions

  1. Pattern to be used in “api” controllers


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