2023-05-16 Call 18 Working Group

2023-05-16 Call 18 Working Group


May 16, 2023


  • @Alessandro Domanico

  • @David B Malkovsky

  • @miz

  • @Andrei Dodu


  • To define the Sprint n.8 for release v1.13.0

 Discussion topics









21:00 CEST

Next release 1.13.0

@Alessandro Domanico

We briefly discussed the status and roadmap of the project and the reason why this new release is so close to the previous one.

The GUI project is going to an end, in favor of the new UI, but this will still take a lot of time that is difficult to estimate, because it dependes by the opensource community and also because it is hard to switch the interface from a day to another; so there will probably a span of time when the two will be both available, until the UI will cover 100% of the current GUI. Moreover some feature are going to be developed for the UI only and not for the GUI and viceversa, caring mostly about mutual compatibility.

A new version 1.13.0 so close to the previous one (1.12.0 released on February) is due to a project constraints, for which GDPR, Dashboard and Patient Portal have to be released together at the end of June 2023.

@miz about the roadmap pointed out that, in some extend, to have a completely “standalone” software solution has still a big value in some context and that also we are at the moment expanding the offer developing new services like the Patient Portal and it is in some extend the way to go and to focus most. Moreover GUI is at this moment covering 100% of our installations, so this is a fact we cannot ignore and so we have to still support its development, until we are totally sure the UI (together with its CORE+API stack) will be ready and fully under control (Jetty issue).

@David B Malkovsky also points out that for low resource consumption places, the GUI is probably the way to go for quite a while.



Sprint n.8


The team decided to add a number of issues for a total of 2w 1d 4h considered that the end of the sprint is set for the 8th of June and some issues are already started. The new sprint is accessible here.

GDPR issues are many and we are already OK for the release of June with the ones DONE up to now (highest priority), nevertheless we decided to add to the sprint the ones that are already in progress and impacts the GUI. There are some issues that are in progress but terminated for the GUI, while still some work remain to do in the UI side. Nevertheless, the UI will be released partially (only the Dashboard) so they can stay out of this sprint, also because, as we said, the current API+UI release is still EXPERIMENTAL and we are trying to find a better solution for it.

Patient Portal side requires the Patient Consensus Management (OP-1035), so we included it although it needs a re-design of the “Administrative Consent” so it will require a little bit of development still.

Finally, we included the issue about JWT upgrade, because it sounds very related to the Security topic, and two small recent bugs.

@miz Nice to have: to provide an high definition logos to include in the package because the one we have are a bit blurred.


Issues out of this Sprint


We decided to move all remaining issues tagged as 1.13.0 after the sprint to a new tag 1.14.0 (so we can have a starting point) and we will do another call after the release to revise them together with the ones without any tag.

@miz suggest to have a look at the oldest and we can also decide to have dedicated sprints where we focus only on the 10 or 20 oldest issues every time.

@David B Malkovsky suggests also to clean the backlog by calling out the issues that are too old and maybe not a problem anymore or the ones that we won’t fix.


Administrative Consent (OP-1038)

@Alessandro Domanico

We briefly discussed the need to change the requirement for Administative Service Flag (OP-1038)

 Action items

@Alessandro Domanico to create Sprint n.8

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