2024-01-18 Call 19 Working Group

2024-01-18 Call 19 Working Group


Jan 18, 2024


  • @Alessandro Domanico

  • @David B Malkovsky

  • @miz

  • @Emerson Castaneda


  • Review of Completed Tasks

  • Identification of Outstanding Work

  • Decision on Priorities

  • Planning for the Next Phase

 Discussion topics









21:15 CEST



We briefly discussed the state of OP-1016, what is remaining to test and how we could do that.

@David B Malkovsky will complete the tests on Linux platform but the SMS ones (for which a USB Internet dongle is needed - on Windows has been tested successfully).

@miz points out that after the merge there are still some other things to be changed (e.g. scripts) so we can merge it as soon as tests are completed.

@Alessandro Domanico points out that the SMS (GSM) module usage is unknown at the moment, but it would be nice to have it tested after long time it was not (it is for now at least for Windows). Anyway it can remain NOT TESTED for Linux, which does not mean “not working” and he’s confident that it should work with the new libraries in OP-1160.

After Java17 will be merged, also OP-1164 (that groups a number of DICOM dependabot pull-requests) will be processed, but still need to be tested with the findings shown in OP-1016.


IN REVIEW Language Support


@miz suggests that the release could bring in the release note (or even in the scripts) what are the “Full supported languages” and the “Newly added languages”.

Latest updated languages like Arabic, German, Albanian and Amharic need to be revised and probably the authors sollicited before the release.


IN REVIEW Remaining issues


OP-1168 Can be merged just after the meeting.

OP-1140 Is under review.


TO DO issues

@Alessandro Domanico

A lot of issues have already been postponed to future releases (1.15.0) and we are keeping in the current sprint only the ones really neeeded for this release.

Alessandro added a new issue (OP-1169) that could be useful as “twin” issue of OP-1020, if @Arnaud FOFOU can tackle it after the latter.

In order to rework demo-data @miz needs that all changes to the load_demo_data.sql are done. @Alessandro Domanico states that major changes have already been done (OP-1156 first, OP-1111 as last, plus all other issues) and the ones ongoing are not affecting data exaclty but menus only.




There are 4 issues under development and we are on it.

We discussed the rational behind OP-1141 (Default passwords suggestion) and why we need it, and we decide to change the word “passwords” into “credentials”.


MacOS Script


There is a script under development for MacOS that anyway is not yet ready and we don’t know if it will be before the release.

@Alessandro Domanico points out that we should have an issue in the sprint for it as well, so we can track it, but also if by the time of the release the script is not ready we will not include in the release.


Web Interface (UI)

@Alessandro Domanico

After the release we will have another call about future releases and we’ll decide what to put in the roadmap.

We will start to see and discuss also the new web interface (openhospital-ui) on which we are putting a lot of effort and testing.

 Action items

@Alessandro Domanico to merge OP-1168 and OP-1160
@David B Malkovsky to test OP-1016 on Linux 64/32 and to help reviewing OP-1140
@miz to revise the doc and the scripts just before the release and try to sollicitate translators for
@Emerson Castaneda to revise OP-336 if still needed

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