2019-04-29 Call 3 Working Group

2019-04-29 Call 3 Working Group





Aim of the meeting was to share the progresses since the previous call: 2019-03-27 Call 2 Working Group

Discussion topics








All participants introduced themselves



Alessandro DomanicoNiccolò Pasquetto

Brief roadmap's presentation and showed actual physical separation (OP-65)



Alessandro Fanna

Brief update about documentation/wiki wiki (OP-7, OP-8 e OP-9) assignee to Giulia and Tiziana. More information here.


DB issues

Carmelo Fischetti

Database work for Syria and related issues on the DB that may drive some improvements, also for the upcoming version 1.9, like indexing and for historical data.



Paolo Spadoni

The future is near with the first "consumer" for the REST services that could be act by the new #ePartogram project. Whoever is interested can join the related #slack channel.


Software Distribution

Paolo Viotti

Paolo reported his experience with Docker as unsuitable for a Swing application as OpenHospital is now, and accepted to look for a better solution for the automatic distribution of the code and the All-in-one packages (JVM+MySQL+core+gui). More information about it here.



Antonio Verni

Antonio showed to the group his prototype of SpringBoot REST Application using the OH-core component and documented with Swagger. The solution has been accepted as good starting point for more contributions in order to also test the new SPA (Single Page Application)



Niccolò Pasquetto

Niccolò Pasquetto and Alessandro Falezza informed the group that they are ready to share the SPA prototype (React) in order to welcome new contributors


Ethiopia and FHIR

Nicola Punzi

Nicola informed about his work on OpenHospital used in Ethiopia for the localization of the OPDs, new feature projected over the FHIR standard, for which Luigi offered his know how



Ilario Gavioli

Ilario informed the group that two students from UNIFE are working on the OpenHospital portal that will be integrated thanks to the new coming API REST, so it will be useful to expose a server with a dummy DB for testing purposes. Alessandro Domanico reported that same need may have other students at POLIBA

Action items

  • Alessandro Domanico soon we will publish a fourth component (repository) on GitHub "openhospital-ui" which will initially contain an example of the SPA (Single Page Application)
  • the first prototype "oh-api" will be continued on Antonio Verni's repository who will drive this task until will be ready to be officially published  OP-4 - Getting issue details... STATUS OP-61 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • very important to achieve the version 1.9 for the new Roadmap (updated here) is the closing of OP-65 and the research of Paolo Viotti in order to package the All-in-one (JVM+MySQL+core+gui) solution as first release with the new structure  OP-68 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Alessandro Domanico New tasks will be opened for Transifex integration with TravisCI and the optimization of some tables (tasks that needs a leader)
  • Alessandro Fanna will continue the leading of the documentation group through Asciidoctor  OP-8 - Getting issue details... STATUS OP-9 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • Is time ripe to have a dedicated server with the new REST API exposed for testing on a dummy DB?

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