2020-06-12 Sprint 4 Retrospective
Sprint Duration: 71 days (from 03/Apr/20 to 12/Jun/20) - hours worked: ~80h - developers: 14
Full report @ https://openhospital.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=3&view=reporting&chart=sprintRetrospective&sprint=9
Date | Jun 12, 2020 |
Team | @Alessandro Domanico @Emerson Castaneda @Vito Romano @Alex Wibowo @Niccolò Pasquetto @Christian Grobmeier @praveenkumar bhadrapur @Paolo Viotti @Tomasz Tokarczyk @Uni2grow Cameroun @Fernando Espinosa @Rob Nobel @Martin Xavier Tchembe @Ganeshrajhan K R |
Participants | @Alessandro Domanico @Emerson Castaneda @Henrique de Almeida @Paolo Viotti @Uni2grow Cameroun |
This Sprint has been huge, so huge that has not yet been finished. Aim of the sprint was the release 1.10 (including the epic “First Release Vezo (Madagascar)” (DONE) and the API-Beta (still IN PROGRESS). We decicede to postpone its end twice, in order to accomplish the big task OP-6, but some of its sub-tasks seems abandoned so somebody else has to take over on them and now they are back to the TODO status.
The sprint anyway showed still a velocity of 1d/week (based on 80h/71days/14devs) so it is comparable to previous sprints (altough as said some dev did not work at all).
Anyway, as showed in the graphs below, we worked a lot, not only on the tasks involved in the Sprint itself but also on a lot of tasks that will be included in the next version 1.11, so we worked in the right direction anyway.
During next Webex call we’ll discuss briefly the following 3-points table:
Start doing | Stop doing | Keep doing |
Action items
After this Sprint will follow
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