2021-05-01 Sprint 5 Retrospective
Sprint Duration: 122 days (from 04/Nov/20 to 29/Apr/21) - hours worked: >100h - developers: 10
Full report @ https://openhospital.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=3&projectKey=OP&view=reporting&chart=sprintRetrospective&sprint=11
Date | May 1, 2021 |
Participants | @Alessandro Domanico @Emerson Castaneda @Tsognong Fidèle @miz @Andrei Dodu @Alessandro Falezza @Claudio Rosazza @David B Malkovsky @Henrique de Almeida |
This Sprint has been huge, so huge that has been retraced and closed many weeks after the planned completion date. Aim of the sprint was the release 1.11 (including the epic “First Release Kidane Mehret Project (Adwa)” (DONE) and the API-Beta (still IN PROGRESS). We decided to close it and start a new one specific for the release 1.11, including a number of issues that have been raised and that are very important to close for an overall code stability.
The sprint, initially planned for 30 working days, has been extended (better say not closed) of 92 days, mostly due to a general slowdown in the project management decisions (ISF).
Anyway the commitment was very high (53h done on 65h planned, 81%) but due to have added not planned issues and extended the sprint time frame it is hard to calculate a proper velocity.
If we take into account only the sprint and its issues, the community showed a velocity of 2day/week (based on 100h/122days/10devs), but it is more realistic to consider a velocity of 1d/week in line with previous sprints.
Anyway, as showed in the graphs below, we worked a lot, not only on the tasks involved in the Sprint itself but also on a lot of tasks that will be included in the next version 1.11 changelog, so we worked in the right direction anyway.
During next eMeeting call we’ll discuss briefly the following 3-points table:
Start doing | Stop doing | Keep doing |
Action items
After this Sprint will follow
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