Open Hospital 2.x Dashboard
The dashboard is developed using the following libraries :
react chartjs 2
(GitHub - react-grid-layout/react-grid-layout: A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for React. )
The dashboard ui elements are located in the components/accessories/dashboard folder. Must of the dashboard data fetchers are redux actions located in the state folder, and there are hooks located in libraries/dashboardUtils used to refactor data of dashboard widgets. That means data displayed are provided by the redux store.
The charts folder contains base chart components used to create dashboard (in the dashboard folder). Feel free to add new base chart if needed; for example: Scatter, …
All dashboard ui elements are located in the dashboard folder. We could for example add new dashboard related to admissions in the components located in the admissions folder. We could for example add another folders for extra modules, like laboratory, accounting, …
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