After you fork the project OpenHospital (for more infos please visit How to contribute), it may happen that your fork remains behind the original development, for new features or new branches as well.
In order to re-sync your fork with the original repository please follow this instructions (you need Git command line).
Note: default branch is "develop", you should keep it always clean and work only on separated branches
Note: if you have ongoing developments first read "Rebase your work" below
Sync your fork
1-- Clone your fork (you might have already cloned):
git clone
2-- Add remote from original repository in your forked repository:
cd into/cloned/fork-repo
git remote add upstream git:// git fetch upstream (es. `git remote add upstream git://`)
3-- Updating your clone from original repo to keep up with their changes:
git checkout develop
git pull upstream develop
4-- Push back to the online fork
git push
5-- Mind the DB - there might be new scripts in core/sql folder 😉
Rebase your work
If you was working on a new feature in a private branch on your local (good 😋), please rebase your work onto the new develop
1-- Switch to your feature branch
git checkout <branch_name>
2-- Rebase your work
git rebase develop
3-- Solve any conflict on your side as if your changes are coming only now on the new code (because so it is, indeed)
4-- Push your branch (force if already pushed once)
git push # add --force if the branch was already pushed once, its commit history is changed now ;)
If you was working directly on develop (bad 😛), please move your changes to a specific feature branch
1-- Create your feature branch
git branch <my_feature_branch>
2-- Reset your develop
git checkout develop
git reset --hard HEAD~3 # move develop back by 3 commits (make sure you know how many commits you need to go back, you can scroll commit history with "git log" command and exit with "q")
3-- Add remote , Update your clone, and Push back to the online fork as explained above
4-- Push your new feature branch
git checkout <my_feature_branch>
git push -u origin