Open Hospital App (MVP)
First Tab
AppHeader layout | OpenHospital logo | Facility’s Name | |
Breadcrumb | navigation menu | ||
Activity layout | First Tab | Activity |
1. LoginActivity
It shoudl NOT have AppHeader
It should validate the username input;
username input is REQUIRED;
It should validate the password input;
password input is REQUIRED;
It should toggle the password visibility;
It should have a login and resetPassword mode;
login mode should have username and password input fields, and a "submit" button;
resetPassword mode should have an username input field and a "submit" button;
It should have a link that toggles the central panel to the resetPassword mode;
It should have a "back" button that toggles the central panel to the login mode;
It should reset the activity state to login mode after submitting the resetPassword's username input;
2. AppHeader
It should contain the OpenHospital logo on the left;
It should contain the Facility’s name;
It should contain the Breadcrumb navigator;
It should be child of a component with access to the user credentials;
It should have a navigation menu at the bottom-right corner;
It should have one button for each <enabled actions> expected for the user credentials;
3. DashboardActivity
It should have the AppHeader;
It should have access to the user credentials;
It should present the <enabled actions> expected for the user credentials;
MPV (New Patient and Search Patient credentials only)
It should have an action button that takes to NewPatientActivity;
It should have an action button that takes to SearchPatientActivity;
it should be a composition of the <enabled actions>
4. PatientDataForm
It should check if there is incoming data in the props for populating the fields' values and the patient's profilePicture;
It should set the "submit" button behavior with the callback passed as prop;
It should handle the patient's profilePicture;
It should allow the patient's profilePicture upload;
It should present a dialog for choosing the way of gathering the patient's profilePicture;
It should be able to get the picture from local device storage;
It should be able to open the integrated hardware to take the picture instantly;
It should be able to remove the current patient's profilePicture;
It should NOT validate the previousCode input;
It should validate the name input;
firstname input is REQUIRED;
firstname input should contain only alphabetic characters;
It should validate surname input;
secondname input is REQUIRED;
secondname input should contain only alphabetic characters;
It should NOT validate the taxNumber input;
It should validate the gender input;
gender input is REQUIRED;
gender input should have the options "man", "woman" and "not declared";
It should validate the age input;
age input is REQUIRED;
age input is made by three validated inputs
years input
months input
days input
when birthday input is set, age is automatically calculated
when data is saved and birthday is not set, birthday is automatically calculated and saved
It should validate the birthday input;
birthday input should be in the format YYYYMMDD;
birthday input should rendered with a mask (MM/DD/YYYYY);
It should NOT validate the town input;
It should NOT validate the area input;
It should NOT validate the telephone input;
It should NOT validate the nextOfKin input;
It should validate the email input;
email input is NOT required;
email input has to be a valid email address;
It should NOT validate the Note input;
it should have a collapsable “more” section with further fields NOT required:
It should validate the profession input from list and default "unknown";;
It should validate the maritalStatus input from list and default "unknown";;
It should validate the bloodType input from list and default "unknown";;
It should NOT validate the fatherName input;
It should validate the fatherAlive input options "yes", "no" and default "unknown";
It should NOT validate the motherName input;
It should NOT validate the motherAlive input options "yes", "no" and default "unknown";
It should NOT validate the parentsTogether input options "yes", "no" and default "unknown";It
It should NOT validate the insurance input;
It should have a "submit" button;
It should set the "submit" button's text using the props;
It should have a "reset" button;
5. NewPatientActivity
It should have the AppHeader;
It should have access to the user credentials;
It should have a PatientDataForm as a child component;
It should NOT populate the props' data field;
It should pass the "submit" button wording;
It should pass the callback function for performing the API call;
6. PatientSearchItem
It should receive a patient object as prop;
It should show id, previousCode, name, profilePicture, age, lastUpdateDate, lastVisitDate
It should receive the routePrefix as prop, add the id and use it to redirect;
7. SearchPatientActivity
It should present patient's id and previousCode as main search params;
It should present name and taxNumber as secondary search params;
It should validate the name input;
name input is NOT required;
name input should contain only alphabetic characters;
It should validate surname input;
taxNumber input is NOT required;
It should toogle the results display between grid and table;
It should display the results in a grid or table according to the toggle;
Each grid item should contain a PatientSearchItem;
It should pass the patient object to the PatientSearchItem or to table;
8. PatientDetailsActivity
It should have the AppHeader;
It should have access to the user credentials;
It should display the patient's information;
It should use the id from the URL's queryParams as key for retrieving the patient data;
It should prioritize getting data from the Redux store;
It should perform an API call as an alternative for retrieving the patient's data
It should display the patient's summary information as the first tab;
It should provide Edit button and pass the patient object for EditPatientActivity
9. EditPatientActivity
It should have the AppHeader;
It should have access to the user credentials;
It should have a PatientDataForm as a child component;
It should populate the props' data field;
It should pass the "submit" button wording;
It should pass the callback function for performing the API call;