Sprint Duration: 52 days (from Dec 2, 2019 to Jan 20, 2020) - hours worked: 24 - developers: 4
Full report @ https://openhospital.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=3&projectKey=OP&view=reporting&chart=sprintRetrospective&sprint=3
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First Sprint of the OpenHospital working group, with the aim “To have first release containing all components "core", "gui", "api" and "ui" working together with a minimum functionality of "ui" (only new-patient and search-patient)”.
The time was enough but the team focus factor was not yet tested and many issues remained unresolved.
Start doing | Stop doing | Keep doing |
Action items
- To document any finding under the issues
- To hit the community for help and to foster the online discussion
- To inform the SM (SCRUM Master) if any deadlock occurs in the issue assignment